

Founding marketer at series A, early-stage startup. Hired to figure out what needs to get done, make a plan, and roll up my sleeves and actually do it. A lot of this role was rolling my sleeves to find product-market fit and build a repeatable and predictable go-to-market motion.


  • As the founding marketing leader, I partnered closely with the founders to craft our strategic narrative, pricing & packaging, positioning & messaging, and ICP & personas
  • Developed and executed go-to-market strategy and operational plans that exceeded yearly and quarterly revenue goals
  • Built an efficient revenue engine that drove over $6M in sales pipeline and achieved CAC goals
  • Crafted a content & SEO strategy that accounted for 25% of website traffic and leads

My contribution

GTM strategy Product positioning & messaging Pricing & packaging Predictable pipeline generation Sales enablement Marketing & sales ops

The team


2021 - 2023



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